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曹卫东, 安徽人。中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所研究员,博士生导师,兼任甘肃农业大学博士生导师。农工党员,现任农工党中央委员、农工党北京市委副主委,北京市政协委员。


l 主要经历

1. 学习经历

1997/09-2000/07, 中国农业科学院研究生院, 植物营养学, 获农学博士学位

1986/09-1990/07, 北京农业大学, 土壤农化系, 获农学学士学位

2. 工作经历

2010/01-, 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 研究员

2004/01-2009/12, 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 副研究员

1995/10-2003/12, 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所(原土壤肥料研究所), 助理研究员

2001/10-2003/09, 日本筑波大学, 博士后

1990/07-1995/09, 中国农业科学院土壤肥料研究所, 研实员

l 主持的重要项目

1. “十四五”国家绿肥产业技术体系(CARS-22), 2021/01-, 首席科学家

2. “十四五”国家重点研发计划项目“新型绿肥产品创制与产业化”(2021YFD1700200), 2021/05-, 项目负责人

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32072678), 2021/01-2024/12, 主持人

4. 国家绿肥产业技术体系(CARS-22), 2017/07-2020/12, 首席科学家

5. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项“绿肥作物生产与利用技术集成研究及示范”(201103005), 2011/01-2015/12, 首席专家

6. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项“绿肥作物生产与利用技术集成研究及示范”(200803029), 2008/06-2010/12, 首席专家

l 省部级二等奖及以上奖励

1. 稻田绿肥-水稻高产高效清洁生产体系集成及示范(2012~2013年度中华农业科技奖一等奖, 第1)

2. 有机矿化技术及其系列产品的研发和应用(2016年度安徽省科技进步一等奖, 第2)

3. 基于绿肥的土壤质量提升与节肥增效技术创新及应用(2023年度青海省科技进步二等奖, 第4)

4. 稻田绿肥生产与多样化利用关键技术及应用(2023年度广西壮族自治区科技进步二等奖, 第4)

5. 冬闲稻田紫云英高效种植与“一减双升”关键技术(2019年度河南省科技进步二等奖, 第5)

6. 稻田绿肥轻简高效生产利用技术创新与应用(2018年度湖南省科技进步二等奖, 第4)

7. 稻田绿肥-秸秆协同还田技术集成应用(2016-2017年度中华农业科技奖二等奖, 第3)

8. 主要绿肥作物生产技术体系构建及应用(2015年度湖北省科技进步二等奖, 第3)

9. 西北灌区绿肥高效农作体系及地力提升技术创新(2013年度甘肃省科技进步二等奖, 第6)

l 主编著作

1. 中国主要绿肥品种资源图集. 中国农业科学技术出版社, ISBN 978-7-5116-5483-0. 2021.09

2. 红壤稻区绿肥效应与机制. 中国农业出版社, ISBN978-7-109-25773-3. 2019.08

3. 绿肥在中国现代农业发展中的探索与实践. 中国农业科学技术出版社, ISBN978-7-5116-0358-6, 2011.04

4. 肥料使用技术手册. 金盾出版社, ISBN978-7-5082-6021-1, 2010.01

5. 中国主要农区绿肥作物生产与利用技术规程. 中国农业科学技术出版社, ISBN978-7-5116-0071-4, 2010.6

6. 绿肥种质资源描述规范和数据标准. 中国农业出版社, ISBN978-7-109-11293-3, 2007.1, 2007.01

l 牵头标准、专利及重要技术

1. 南方稻田绿肥种植与利用技术规范. NY/T 3840-2021

2. 旱地都可绿肥种植生产技术规程. NY/T 3843-2021

3. 过硫酸氢钾在降低甲烷排放量中的应用. ZL 2024 1 1061756.7

4. 一种绿肥还田后降低水稻田中甲烷排放的方法. ZL 2023 1 0858320.X.

5. 乙烯在降低水稻生产中碳足迹的应用与方法. ZL 2023 1 0871103.4

6. 绿肥和2-氯乙基磺酸钠协同降低水稻生产中碳足迹的方法. ZL 2023 1 0871098.7

7. 一种紫云英根瘤菌株系 CAASH41096 及其应用.202210164516 .4

8. 基于绿肥和生物炭的用于旱地的氧化亚氮减排组合物.202311629641.9

9. 一株促进毛叶苕子增长的根瘤菌及其应用. ZL 2017 1 0354501.5

10. 一种有机水稻生产方法. ZL201310435272.X

11. 一种长效锌肥及其制备方法. ZL200910087592.4

12. 一种用于旱地豆科绿肥作物的基肥及其制备方法. ZL200910087593.9

13. 2023农业主推技术. 南方稻田绿肥轻简高效节肥增效技术. 2023.6

14. 2022农业主推技术. 南方水稻节肥养地型绿肥种植利用技术. 2022.9

15. 2021农业主推技术. 南方稻田豆科绿肥与稻秸联合利用养地减肥技术. 2021.6.

16. 2020农业农村十大新技术. 稻秸-绿肥轻简利用及高效节肥技术. 2020.11

17. 2019农业主推技术. 稻田绿肥全程机械化生产技术. 2019.6

l 2020年至今一作及通讯作者主要论文

1. Zhengbo Ma, Rongyan Bu, Guopeng Zhou, Haoran Fu, Jinxin Sun, Ting Liang, Cheng Cai, Danna Chang, Qingxu Ma, Ji Wu∗, David R. Chadwick, Davey L. Jones, Weidong Cao. Appropriately delayed flooding before rice transplanting increases netecosystem economic benefit in the winter green manure-rice rotation system Resources, Environment and Sustainability 18(2024)100173

2. Danna Chang, Yarong Song, Hai Liang, Rui Liu, Cheng Cai, Shuailei Lv, Yulin Liao, Jun Nie, Tingyu Duan, Weidong Cao. Planting Chinese milk vetch with phosphate-solubilizing bacteria inoculation enhances phosphorus turnover by altering the structure of the phoD-harboring bacteria community. European Journal of Soil Biology.123(2024)103678

3. 吕帅磊,常单娜,周国朋,刘蕊,赵鑫,刘佳,徐昌旭,曹卫东.江西红壤绿肥季施用磷矿粉的磷素效应.草业学报. 2024, 33(11):149−160.

4. 宋雅荣,常单娜,周国朋,高嵩涓,段廷玉,曹卫东. 湖南红壤水稻土中解磷细菌活化低品位磷矿的效应与机制. 中国农业科学. 202457 (6): 1102-1116

5. Na Zhao, Xiquan Wang, Jun Ma, Xiaohong Li, Jufeng Cao, Jie Zhou, Linmei Wu, Peiyi Zhao,Weidong Cao. Co-incorporating green manure and crop straw increases cropproductivity and improves soil quality with low greenhouse-gas emissions in a crop rotation. The Crop Journal. 12(2024)1233-1241

6. Rui Liu, Danna Chang, Guopeng Zhou, Hao Liang, Jiudong Zhang, Qiang Chai, Weidong Cao. Green manuring combined with zeolite reduced nitrous oxide emissions inmaize field by targeting microbial nitrogen transformations. Science of the Total Environment. 950(2024)175382

7. Rui Liu, Peng Jiang, Guopeng Zhou, Danna Chang, Hao Liang, Qiang Chai, Weidong Cao,. Co-incorporation of wheat straw and hairy vetch reduced soil N2O emissionvia regulating nitrifier and denitrifier structure on the Qinghai plateau. Applied Soil Ecology. 202(2024)105574

8. 曹卫东, 周国朋, 高嵩涓. 绿肥内源驱动土壤健康的作用与机制. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2024, 30(7): 1274–1283

9. Zhengbo Ma, Ting Liang, Haoran Fu, Qingxu Ma, Danna Chang, Jiudong Zhang, Zongxian Che, Guopeng Zhou, Weidong Cao. Long-term green manuring increases soil carbon sequestration via decreasing qCO2 caused by lower microbial phosphorus limitation in a dryland field. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 374(2024)109142

10. Rui Liu, Lu Yang, Jiudong Zhang, Guopeng Zhou, Danna Chang, Qiang Chai, Weidong Cao, Maize and legume intercropping enhanced crop growth and soil carbon and nutrient cycling through regulating soil enzyme activities. European Journal of Agronomy 159 (2024) 127237. 1-10

11. Liang Ting, Zhou Guopeng, Chang Danna, Ma Zhengbo, Gao Songjuan, Nie Jun, Liao Yulin, Lu Yanhong, Fan Hongli, Zou Chunqin, Cao Weidong. The dissolved organic matter from the co-decomposition of Chinese milk vetch and rice straw induces strengthening the Cd remediation by Fe-modified biochar. Biochar, (2024) 6:27

12. Jiancheng Xie, Qianyu Fan, Ting Liang, Hai Liang, Hui Wang, Zhaogui Gui, Ji Wu, Songjuan Gao, Weidong Cao. Green manuring reduces cadmium accumulation in rice: Roles of iron plaque and dissolved organic matter. Environmental Research 251 (2024) 118719

13. Guopeng Zhou, Kunkun Fan, Songjuan Gao, Danna Chang, Guilong Li, Ting Liang, Hai Liang, Shun Li, Jiudong Zhang, Zongxian Che & Weidong Cao. Green manuring relocates microbiomes in driving the soil functionality of nitrogen cycling to obtain preferable grain yields in thirty years. Science China Life Sciences. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences 2024,67(3), 596–610

14. 王一锟, 梁婷, 周国朋, 常单娜, 高嵩涓, 付利波, 范洪黎, 曹卫东. 不同生物质炭的镉吸附特征及对云南土壤镉污染的调控效应. 土壤学报, 2024, 61(1):151–162

15. 常单娜, 陈子英, 韩梅, 李正鹏, 严清彪, 吕帅磊, 周国朋, 孙小凤, 曹卫东. 毛叶苕子磷获取特征及根际特性的基因型差异. 草业学报, 2024, 33(4):122−134.

16. Hai Liang, Shun Li, Guopeng Zhou, Libo Fu, Feng Hu, Songjuan Gao, Weidong Cao. Targeted regulation of the microbiome by green manuring to promote tobacco growth. Biology and Fertility of Soils (2024) 60:69–85

17. 冯瑜, 陈华,付利波,周国朋,尹梅, 王志远, 陈检锋, 王伟, 杨艳鲜, 曹卫东, 李永梅. 利用绿肥提高云南抚仙湖径流区烟田土壤养分和烤烟品质. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2023, 29(11): 2083–2094

18. 曹卫东, 高嵩涓. 到2025年中国绿肥发展策略. 中国农业资源与区划. 2023,44(12):1-9

19. 常单娜, 王  慧, 周国朋, 高嵩涓, 刘  佳, 徐昌旭, 曹卫东. 赣北稻-稻-紫云英轮作减施化肥对水稻产量、氮素吸收及土壤供氮能力的影响 植物营养与肥料学报. 2023, 29(8): 1449-1460

20. Hao Liang, Guo-Peng Zhou, Song-Juan Gao, Jun Nie, Chang-Xu Xu, Ji Wu, Chun-Zeng Liu Yu-Hu Lv, Yi-Bin Huang, Ming-Jian Geng Jian-Hong Wang, Tie-Guang He, Wei-Dong Cao. Exploring site-specific N application rate to reduce N footprint and increase crop production for green manure-rice rotation system in southern China. Journal of Environmental Management 347 (2023) 119033

21. 江鹏, 周国朋, 韩梅, 李正鹏, 严清彪, 常单娜,梁浩, 孙小凤, 曹卫东. 麦秸与毛叶苕子共同调控青海高原土壤温室气体排放的作用机制. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2023, 29(4): 651–663

22. Songjuan Gao, Guopeng Zhou, Danna Chang, Hao Liang, Jun Nie, Yulin Liao, Yanhong Lu, Changxu Xu, Jia Liu, Ji Wu, Shang Han, Hui Wang, Chunzeng Liu, Yuhu Lv, Yibin Huang, Chunmei He, Mingjian Geng, Jianhong Wang, Tieguang He, Zhongyi Li, Hai Liang, Shun Li, Robert M. Rees, Kristian Thorup-Kristensen, Weidong Cao. Southern China can produce more high-quality rice with less N by green manuring. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 196 (2023) 107025

23. Lu Yang, Yue Luo, Binglin Lu, Guopeng Zhou, Danna Chang, Songjuan Gao, Jiudong Zhang, Zongxian Che, Weidong Cao. Long-term maize and pea intercropping improved subsoil carbon storage while reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 349 (2023) 108444

24. GAO Song-juan, LI Shun, ZHOU Guo-peng, CAO Wei-dong. The potential of green manure to increase soil carbon sequestration and reduce the yield-scaled carbon footprint of rice production in southern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2023, 22(7): 2233–2247

25. ZHANG Zi-han, NIE Jun, LIANG Hai, WEI Cui-lan, WANG Yun, LIAO Yu-lin, LU Yan-hong, ZHOU Guo-peng, GAO Song-juan, CAO Wei-dong. The effects of co-utilizing green manure and rice straw on soil aggregates and soil carbon stability in a paddy soil in South China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2023, 22(5): 1529–1545

26. LIANG Hai, FU Li-bo, CHEN Hua, ZHOU Guo-peng, GAO Song-juan, CAO Wei-dong. Green manuring facilitates bacterial community dispersal across different compartments of subsequent tobacco. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2023, 22(4): 1199–1215

27. Qianyu Fan, Changxu Xu, Lei Zhang, Jiancheng Xie, Guopeng Zhou, Jia Liu, Feng Hu, Songjuan Gao, Weidong Cao. Application of milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.) with reduced chemical fertilizer improves rice yield and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium use efficiency in southern China. European Journal of Agronomy, 144 (2023) 126762

28. Zonghui Hu, Qiu Zhao, Xinjian Zhang, Xiaoguang Ning, Hao Liang, and Weidong Cao. Winter Green Manure Decreases Subsoil Nitrate Accumulation and Increases N Use Efficiencies of Maize Production in North China Plain. Plants, 2023, 12, 311.

29. Guopeng Zhou, Kunkun Fan, Guilong Li, Songjuan Gao, Danna Chang, Ting Liang, Shun Li, Hai Liang, Jiudong Zhang, Zongxian Che, Weidong Cao. Synergistic effects of diazotrophs and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on soil biological nitrogen fixation after three decades of fertilization. iMeta, 2023;e81

30. 常单娜, 周国朋, 高嵩涓, 刘蕊, 曹卫东, 马晓彤. 我国紫云英主栽品种与根瘤菌的共生匹配性. 草业学报, 2022, 31(12)

31. Ting Liang, Guopeng Zhou, Danna Chang, Yikun Wang, Songjuan Gao, Jun Nie, Yulin Liao, Yanhong Lu, Chunqin Zou, Weidong Cao⁎. Co-incorporation of Chinese milk vetch ( Astragalus sinicus  L.), rice straw, and biochar strengthens the mitigation of Cd uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L.). Science of the Total Environment, 850 (2022) 158060

32. Shun Li, Hai Liang, Yun Wang, Zihan Zhang, Lei Zhang, Guopeng Zhou, Songjuan Gao, Weidong Cao. Responses of functional genes involved in nitrogen cycling to green manuring in different paddy soils in south China. Plant and Soil, (2022) 478: 519–532

33. 王慧, 张琳, 常单娜, 周国朋, 高嵩涓, 曾闹华, 聂良鹏, 吕玉虎, 曹卫东. 豫南稻区种植利用紫云英配合减氮下的水稻养分吸收和转运特征.植物营养与肥料学报, 2022, 28(7): 1194-1207

34. 张磊, 徐昌旭, 刘佳, 李顺, 高嵩涓, 曹卫东. 减施20%化肥下绿肥翻压量对江西双季稻产量及氮素利用的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2022, 28(5): 845-856

35. 陈子英, 常单娜, 韩梅, 李正鹏, 严清彪, 周国朋, 孙小凤, 曹卫东 50份毛叶苕子品种(系)在青海作秋绿肥的能力评价. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2022, 28(4): 701-714.

36. 罗跃, 张久东, 周国朋, 常单娜, 高嵩涓, 包兴国, 车宗贤, 朱青, 曹卫东. 河西绿洲灌区间作绿肥及其不同利用方式对玉米产量及土壤肥力的提升效应. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2022, 28(3): 402-413

37. Hao Liang, Shun Li, Lei Zhang, Changxu Xu, Yuhu Lv, Songjuan Gao, Weidong Cao. Long-term green manure substitution enhances crop N uptake and reduces N losses in rice production system. Soil & Tillage Research, 220 (2022) 105369

38. Danna Chang, Songjuan Gao, Guopeng Zhou, Shuhan Deng, Jizeng Jia, Ertao Wang, Weidong Cao. The chromosome-level genome assembly of Astragalus Sinicus and comparative genomic analyses provide new resources and insights for understanding legume-rhizobial interactions. Plant Communications, 3, 100263, 2022

39. Yun Wang, Hai Liang, Shun Li, Zihan Zhang, Yulin Liao, Yanhong Lu, Guopeng Zhou, Songjuan Gao, Jun Nie, Weidong Cao. Co-utilizing milk vetch, rice straw, and lime reduces the Cd accumulation of rice grain in two paddy soils in south China. Science of the Total Environment, 806 (2022) 150622

40. LIU Rui, ZHOU Guo-peng, CHANG Dan-na, GAO Song-juan, HAN-Mei, ZHANG Jiu-dong, SUN Xiao-feng, CAO Wei-dong. Transfer characteristics of nitrogen fixed by leguminous green manures when intercropped with maize in northwestern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2022, 21(4): 2–12

41. 冯静琪, 曹卫东, 高嵩涓, 常单娜, 周国朋, 石孝均. 稻秸还田提高我国南方典型稻田冬绿肥产量和养分积累. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2022, 28(1): 72–82

42. 王慧, 周国朋, 常单娜, 高嵩涓, 刘蕊, 廖育林, 鲁艳红, 曾闹华, 聂军, 曹卫东. 湘北双季稻区种植翻压紫云英的氮肥减施效应. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2022, 28(1): 33-44

43. 陈子英, 常单娜, 韩梅, 李正鹏, 严清彪, 张久东, 周国朋, 孙小凤, 曹卫东. 47 份箭筈豌豆品种(系)在青海作秋绿肥的能力评价. 草业学报, 2022, 31(2): 39−51

44. 任文静, 吕玉虎, 周国朋, 常单娜, 向春阳, 曹卫东. 一个紫云英 F4重组自交系群体的农艺性状与养分吸收评价. 草业学报, 2022, 31(2): 101−110

45. 高嵩涓, 周国朋, 曹卫东. 冬种绿肥对水稻土硝化作用的影响. 土壤学报, 2022, 59(1) : 263–273

46. 罗跃, 卢秉林, 周国朋, 常单娜, 高嵩涓, 张久东, 车宗贤, 朱青, 曹卫东. 河西绿洲灌区玉米间作绿肥根茬还田的减施氮肥效应. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2021, 27(12): 2125-2135

47. 王赟, 徐昌旭, 周国朋, 常单娜, 高嵩涓, 曹卫东. 连续种植翻压紫云英减施化肥对江西早稻产量、品质及土壤肥力的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2021, 27(10): 1735–1745

48. 王赟, 付利波, 梁海, 章子含, 杨伟, 何正海, 高嵩涓, 曹卫东. 绿肥作物对云南旱地土壤镉有效性的影响.环境科学学报, 2021, 40(10): 2124-2133

49. 高嵩涓, 周国朋, 曹卫东. 冬种绿肥对水稻土硝化作用的影响. 土壤学报, 2022, 59(1): 263–273

50. 章子含, 王赟, 高嵩涓, 曹卫东. 紫云英与稻秸还田对稻田土壤硝化潜势的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2021, 27(11): 1938–1948

51. 陈检锋, 梁海, 王伟, 陈华, 尹梅, 王志远, 刘俊, 陈军, 高嵩涓, 曹卫东, 付利波. 云南光叶紫花苕作玉米绿肥的养分供应能力及对土壤性状的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2021, 27(9): 1571–1580

52. Guopeng Zhou, Songjuan Gao, Danna Chang, Katsu-yoshi Shimizu, Weidong Cao. Succession of fungal community and enzyme activity during the co-decomposition process of rice ( Oryza sativa  L.) straw and milk vetch ( Astragalus sinicus  L.). Waste Management, 134 (2021) 1–10

53. Lu Yang, Jun Nie, Changxu Xu, Weidong Cao. Biological nitrogen fixation of Chinese Milk Vetch ( Astragalus sinicus  L.) as affected by exogenous carbon and nitrogen input. Symbiosis, https: //doi.org/10.1007/s13199-021-00785-1

54. Zhou Guopeng, Danna Chang, Songjuan Gao, Ting Liang, Rui Liu, Weidong Cao. Co-incorporating leguminous green manure and rice straw drives the synergistic release of carbon and nitrogen, increases hydrolase activities, and changes the composition of main microbial groups. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 57(4), 547-561(2021)

55. Songjuan Gao, Weidong Cao, Guopeng Zhou, Robert M Rees. Bacterial communities in paddy soils changed by milk vetch as green manure: a six provinces’ study in south China. Pedosphere, 31(4): 521--530, 2021

56. Zhou Guo-peng, Chang Danna, GAO Song-juan, DOU Fu-gen, CAO Wei-dong. Using milk vetch ( Astragalus sinicus  L.) to promote rice straw decomposition by regulating enzyme activity and bacterial community. Bioresource Technology, 319 (2021) 124215

57. Yang Lu, Weidong Cao. Carbon substrates exert a stronger role than nitrogen availability in structuring diazotroph communities in paddy soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 158 (2021) 103778

58. 刘蕊, 常单娜, 高嵩涓, 周国朋, 韩 梅, 张久东, 曹卫东, 孙小凤. 西北小麦与豆科绿肥间作体系箭筈豌豆和毛叶苕子生物固氮效率及氮素转移特性. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2020, 26(12): 2183–2193

59. 高嵩涓, 周国朋, 曹卫东. 南方稻田紫云英作冬绿肥的增产节肥效应与机制. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2020, 26(11): 2115–2126

60. 冯静琪, 曹卫东, 高嵩涓, 常单娜, 周国朋, 石孝均. 稻草及氮调控对紫云英 ( Astragalus sinicus L.) 生长和土壤性状的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2020, 26(10): 1858–1869

61. 杨璐, 曾闹华, 白金顺, 周兴, 周国朋, 高嵩涓, 聂军, 曹卫东. 紫云英季土壤固氮微生物对外源碳氮投入的响应. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(1): 105-116

62. Songjuan Gao, Guopeng Zhou, Robert M. Rees, Weidong Cao. Green manuring inhibits nitrification in a typical paddy soil by changing the contributions of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria. Applied Soil Ecology, 156(2020)103698

63. Songjuan Gao, Gpuopeng Zhou, Yulin Liao, Yanhong Lu, Jun Nie, Weidong Cao. Contributions of ammonia oxidising bacteria and archaea to nitrification under long-term application of green manure in alkaline paddy soil. Geoderma, 374(2020)114419

64. ZHOU Guo-peng, CAO Wei-dong, BAI Jin-shun, XU Chang-xu, ZENG Nao-hua, GAO Song-juan, DOU Fu-gen. Co-incorporation of rice straw and leguminous green manure can alleviate the limitation in soil N availability and C or N losses: an Incubation Study. Pedosphere, 30(2): 1–2, 2020

65. Danna Chang, Songjuan Gao, Guopeng Zhou & Weidong Cao. Elemental and spectroscopic characteristics of dissolved organic matter extracted from different green manures. Environmental Technology, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2020.1738560

66. Guopeng Zhou, Songjuan Gao, Changxu Xu, Naohua Zeng, Robert M Rees, Weidong Cao. Co-incorporation of Chinese milk vetch ( Astragalus sinicus  L.) and rice ( Oryza sativa  L.) straw minimizes CH4 emissions by changing the methanogenic and methanotrophic communities in a paddy soil. European Journal of SoilSciences, 2020, 1–16

67. Guopeng Zhou, Songjuan Gao,Changxu Xu,Fugen Dou,Katsu-yoshi Shimizu, Weidong Cao. Rational utilization of leguminous green manure to mitigate methane emissions by influencing methanogenic and methanotrophic communities. Geoderma, 361 (2020) 114071

68. Guopeng Zhou, Songjuan Gao, Yanhong Lu, Yulin Liao, Jun Nie, Weidong Cao. Co-incorporation of green manure and rice straw improves rice production, soil chemical, biochemical and microbiological properties in a typical paddy field in southern China. Soil & Tillage Research, 197 (2020) 104499

l 联系方式

010-82109622, caoweidong@caas.cn
