1998/10—2000/ 08,德国基尔大学,植物营养与土壤学研究所,洪堡研究员(博士后)。导师,Rainer Horn教授。
1988/ 09—1991/ 07,南京农业大学农学系,农业生态学与耕作制度专业,硕士。导师:章熙谷教授。
1984/ 09—1988/ 07,南京农业大学农学系,农学专业,本科生。
2004/05—2008.04,中国科学院南京土壤研究所,红壤生态实验站。“低丘红壤区土壤侵蚀和水土保持”团队首席科学家。创新研究员、博士生导师。红壤生态实验站站长。中德科学中心资助中德土壤与环境联合实验室副主任。英国苏格兰作物研究所,合作研究(2003. 01—2003.03/2005.12—2006. 02)
2000. 08—2004. 04,中国科学院南京土壤研究所,红壤生态实验站。“低丘红壤区土壤侵蚀和水土保持”团队首席科学家。
责任创新副研究员。红壤生态实验站常务副站长。中德科学中心资助中德土壤与环境联合实验室,副主任。 德国鲁尔波鸿大学自然地理学研究所,合作研究(2002. 12—2003. 01)
1991. 06—1998. 09,中国科学院南京土壤研究所,中国科学院红壤生态实验站,实习研究员、助理研究员
先后主持项目或课题28项,项目经费约5800万元。其中包括主持国家自然科学基金委重点项目2项,重大国际合作项目、中德联合实验室和中德合作研究项目各1项,面上基金4项目,合同经费约1250万元;主持科技部“863”重大节水专项课题1项、“973”专项课题2项、科技支撑项目课题1项,合同经费约850 万元;主持农业和农村部行业科技专项1项、产业体系专项岗位科学家项目1项,合同经费约2100万元;主持中国科学院知识创新工程项目重大项目课题、中科院/工程院/水利部联合资助项目1项各1项,合同经费约800万;主持欧盟 (FP7,Asia-Link)、德国科学基金会(DFG)、英国皇家协会(RS)、国际原子能结构(IAEA)、国际科学基金(IFS)等资助的国际合作5项,合同经费约800万元。
国家自然科学基金委中德中心合作研究项目,“Biophysical controls on priming effect of soil organic matter in Mollisols (DZ1124)”。 2015-2019。73.12万元
国家重点研发计划重点专项项目,“东北黑土区侵蚀沟生态修复关键技术研发与集成示范”项目子课题,“东北黑土区沟道侵蚀与防治机理研究”。2017.7-2020.12. 60万元。
(1)A.D. Shi, X. Zhou, S.H. Yao, B. Zhang*. 2019. Effects of intensities and cycles of heating on mineralization of organic matter and microbial community composition of a Mollisol under different land use types. Geoderma. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.113941
(2)S.H. Yao, Y.L. Zhang, Y. Han, X.Z. Han, J.D. Mao, B. Zhang*. 2019. Labile and recalcitrant components of organic matter of a Mollisol changed with land use and plant litter management: An advanced 13C NMR study. Science of the Total Environment. 660:1-10.
(3)Y.Z. Xu, K. Liu, Y. Han, S.H. Yao, B. Zhang*. 2019. A soil texture manipulation doubled the priming effect following crop straw addition as estimated by two models. Soil & Tillage Research 186: 11–22.
(4)H. Jiang, X.Z. Han, W.X Zou, X.X. Hao, B. Zhang*. 2018. Seasonal and long-term changes in soil physical properties and organic carbon fractions as affected by manure application rates in the Mollisol region of Northeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 268:133-143.
(5)Y.L. Zhang, S.H. Yao, X.Y. Cao, K. Schmidt-Rohr, D.C. Olk, J.D. Mao*, B. Zhang*. 2018. Structural evidence for soil organic matter turnover following glucose addition and microbial controls over soil carbon change at different horizons of a Mollisol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 119: 63-73.
(6)Y.L. Zhang, L.J. Li, S.H. Yao, J.D. Mao, K. Schmidt-Rohr, D.C. Olk, X.Y. Cao, F.Cui, B. Zhang*. 2018. Distinct changes in composition of soil organic matter with length of cropping time in subsoils of a Phaeozem and Chernozem. European Journal of Soil Science. doi: 10.1111/ejss.12688. 69, 868–878
(7)Y. Wang, B. Zhang*, S.A. Banwart. 2017. Reduced Subsurface Lateral Flow in Agroforestry System Is Balanced by Increased Water Retention Capacity: Rainfall Simulation and Model Validation. Advances in Agronomy, 142: 73-97.
(8)N. Li, M.-Y. You, B. Zhang*, X.-Z. Han*, S.K. Panakoulia, Y.-R. Yuan, K. Liu, Y.-F. Qiao, W.-X. Zou, N.P. Nikolaidis, S.A. Banwart. 2017. Modeling Soil Aggregation at the Early Pedogenesis Stage From the Parent Material of a Mollisol Under Different Agricultural Practices. Advances in Agronomy, 142: 181-214.
(9)Y. Wang, B. Zhang*. 2017. Interception of Subsurface Lateral Flow Through Enhanced Vertical Preferential Flow in an Agroforestry System Observed Using Dye-Tracing and Rainfall Simulation Experiments. Advances in Agronomy, 142: 99-118.
(10)Y. Liu, S. Yao, X. Han*, B. Zhang*, S.A. Banwart. 2017. Different Agricultural Practices During 8-Year Soil Development From the Parent Material of a Mollisol. Advances in Agronomy, 142: 143-179.
(11)Na Li, Feng-juan Pan, Xiao-Zeng Han*, Bin Zhang*. 2016. Development of soil food web of microbes and nematodes under different agricultural practices during the early stage of pedogenesis of a Mollisol. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 98: 208-216.
(12)Xianlu Yue, Jiguang Zhang, Andong Shi, Shuihong Yao, Bin Zhang*. 2016. Manure substitution of mineral fertilizers increased functional stability through changing structure and physiology of microbial communities. European Journal of Soil Biology 77: 34-43.
(13)Yueling Zhang, Shuihong Yao, Jingdong Mao, Daniel C. Olk, Xiaoyan Cao, Bin Zhang*. 2015. Chemical compositions of subsoil organic matter changed with a positive priming effect due to glucose addition as investigated by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 85:137-144.
(14)Yunfa Qiao, Shujie Miao, Na Li, Yanli Xu, Xiaozeng Han*, Bin Zhang*. 2015. Crop species affect soil organic carbon turnover in soil profile and among aggregate sizes in a Mollisol as estimated from natural 13C abundance. Plant and Soil. 392: 163-174. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-015-2414-8.
(15)Bi Lidong, Shushing Yao, Bin Zhang*. 2015. Soil hardening in paddy fields due to low input of organic carbon: evidences from two long-term fertilization experiments in subtropical China. Soil & Till Research. 152: 94–103.
(16)Li Na, Yu-Zhi Xu, Xiao-Zeng Han*, Bin Zhang *, Hong-Bo He, Xu-dong Zhang. 2015. Fungi contribute more than bacteria to soil organic matter through necromass accumulation under different agricultural practices during the early pedogenesis of a Mollisol. European Journal of Soil Biology. 67: 51-58.
(17)Li Na, Shui-Hong Yao, Meng-Yang You, Yue-Ling Zhang, Yun-Fa Qiao, Wen-Xiu Zou, Xiao-Zeng Han*, Bin Zhang*. 2015. Separation of soil microbial community structure by aggregate size to a large extent under agricultural practices during early pedogenesis of a Mollisol. Applied Soil Ecology. 88:9-20.
(18)Yao Shuihong, Xiaolong Teng, Bin Zhang*. 2015. Effect of rice straw incorporation and tillage depth on puddlability and the dynamics of mechanical properties during rice growth period. Soil & Tillage Research. 146: 125–132.
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