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彭新华,男,博士,二级研究员,博士生导师。耕地退化阻控与地力提升团队首席,主要从事耕地退化阻控、土壤结构改良、土壤有机质提升等研究。近年来,主持国家重点研发项目、国家杰出青年基金、重点基金、区域重点等各类科研项目20余项;在国内外期刊发表学术论文200多篇,其中SCI收录150余篇;获得中国土壤学会科技一等奖1项,任Soil & Tillage Research期刊主编。


1991.09-1995.06  湖南师范大学 地理学专业 理学学士

1997.09-2000.06  湖南农业大学 土壤学专业 农学硕士

2000.09-2003.06  中科院南京土壤研究所 土壤学专业  农学博士


2024.05 - 至今.  中国农科院农业资源与农业区划所,研究员

2009.09 - 2024.04:中科院南京土壤所,研究员

2007.01 - 2009.12:爱尔兰都柏林大学,玛丽居里高级学者

2004.01 - 2006.12:德国基尔大学,马普学者/DFG


1. 国家重点研发计划项目:土壤结构性障碍消减的关键技术及配套装备与示范, 

2. 国家基金委区域联合重点项目:退化黑土的恢复机制与关键途径:以黑龙江省为例 

3. 国家基金委重点项目:砂姜黑土结构的演变规律及其对作物根系生长的物理机制.

4. 国家基金委杰出青年基金项目:土壤物理学

5. 国家重点研发计划课题:黄淮平原旱地丰产增效耕作培肥技术模式与示范



1. Qian, Y.Q., Yang, X.F., Zhang, Z.B., Li, X.Y., Zheng, J.Y., Peng, X.H., 2024. Estimating the permeability of soils under different tillage practices and cropping systems: Role of the three percolating pore radii derived from X-ray CT., Soil & Tillage Research, 235, 105903.

2. Mahbub, U.I., Jiang, F.H., Halder, M., Barman, A., Liu, S., Peng, X.H., 2024. Quantitative assessment of different straw management practices on soil organic carbon and crop yield in the Chinese upland soils: A data-driven approach based on simulation and prediction model. European Journal of Agronomy, 154, 127092.

3. Qiao M.J., Sun, R.B., Wang, Z.X., Dumack, K., Xie, X.G., Dai, C.C., Wang, E.T., Zhou, J.Z., Sun, B., Peng, X.H., Bonkowski, M., Chen, Y., 2024. Legume rhizodeposition promotes nitrogen fixation by soil microbiota under crop diversification. Nature Communications, 15, 2924.

4. Wang, YK., Zhang ZB., Guo,ZC., Zhang, Y., Zhang, P., Xiao, X., Li, FM., Peng, XH., 2024., Soil physical stresses beyond the dynamics least limiting water range determine crop yields in wheat-maize system in a Vertisol. Field Crops Research, 312, 109396.

5. Chen Y.M., Guo, Z.C., Gao, L., Qian, Y.Q., Zhang, Z.B., Peng, X.H., 2024. Description and modeling of the impacts of calcareous concretions and shrinkage on the water retention curve of a Vertisol. Soil & Tillage Research, 239, 106039.

6. Wang, Y.K., Zhang, Z.B., Guo, Z.C., Chen, Y.M., Yang, J.S., Peng, X.H., 2023. In-situ measuring and predicting dynamics of soil bulk density in a non-rigid soil as affected by tillage practices: Effects of soil subsidence and shrinkage. Soil & Tillage Research 234, 105818.

7. Liu, S., Six, J., Zhang, H.X., Zhang, Z.B., Peng, X.H., 2023. Integrated aggregate turnover and soil organic carbon sequestration using rare earth oxides and 13C isotope as dual tracers. Geoderma, 430, 116113.

8. Islam, M.U., Jiang, F.H., Guo, Z.C., Liu, S., Peng, X.H., 2023. Impacts of straw return coupled with tillage practices on soil organic carbon stock in upland wheat and maize croplands in China: A meta-analysis. Soil & Tillage Research, 232, 105786.

9. Islam, M.U., Guo, Z.C., Jiang, F.H., Peng, X.H., 2022. Does straw return increase crop yield in the wheat-maize cropping system in China? A meta-analysis. Field Crops Research, 279. 108447.

10. Zhang, Z.B., Yan, L., Wang, Y.K., Ruan, R.J., Xiong, P., Peng, X.H., 2022. Bio-tillage improves soil physical properties and maize growth in a compacted Vertisol by cover crops. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 86: 324-337.

11. Xiong, P., Zhang, Z.B., Guo Z.C., Peng, X.H., 2022. Macropores in a compacted soil impact maize growth at the seedling stage: Effects of pore diameter and density. Soil & Tillage Research. 220. 105370.

12. Chen, Y.M., Zhang Z.B., Guo, Z.C., Gao, L., Peng, X.H., 2022. Impact of calcareous concretions on soil shrinkage of a Vertisol and their relation model development. Geoderma, 420. 115892.

13. Halder, M., Liu, S., Zhang, Z.B., Guo, Z.C., Peng, X.H., 2022. Effects of organic matter characteristics on soil aggregate turnover using rare earth oxides as tracers in a red clay soil. Geoderma, 421. 115908.

14. Wang YK, Zhang, Z.B., Tian, Z.C., Lu, Y.L., Ren, T.S., Peng, X.H., 2022. Determination of soil bulk density dynamics in a Vertisol during wetting and drying cycles using combined soil water content and thermal properties sensors. Geoderma, 428: 116119.

15. 彭新华、张中彬、郭自春等著,2022. 《砂姜黑土改良的原理与技术》、科学出版社. ISBN 978-7-03-074015-1.




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